Home Enthronement of
The Sacred Heart of Jesus and
The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Enthronement is a crusade to establish the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart in society through the family, the social cell. It is based on Our Lord’s statement to St. Margaret Mary: “I will reign through My Heart!” It is an organized campaign to restore Christ to the family and the family to Christ. It is the answer to the question: “What can we do to save the family?”
How Does the Enthronement
Restore Christ to the Family?
The Enthronement begins with a beautiful and impressive ceremony. In the home itself, in the presence of the priest, who presides at the ceremony, the family publicly and solemnly acknowledges that Christ is the King and loving Master of its home. This is done by having the head of the family install a picture or statue of the Sacred Heart in the place of honor, in the principal room of the home, as on a throne — hence the word “Enthronement.” After this solemn acknowledgment of the sovereign rights of Christ the King over the family, the members consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart. Thereby they pledge themselves to live as though the Sacred Heart were actually dwelling in their midst as He did at Nazareth, treating Him as an intimate member of the family, as a Friend and Brother.
Is This All There Is to the Enthronement?
No, the ceremony is only the beginning of a new life, a life of love; of loving obedience to all the commandments of Christ and the Church; a life of prayer: especially of family prayers before the image of the Enthroned King, evening prayers and Rosary in common; a Eucharistic life: of frequent and even daily Mass and Communion, thereby linking up the sanctuary of the Church and the sanctuary of the home; finally a life of Christian penance, especially by refusing to give in to pagan customs and ideas which are slowly destroying the Christian home, and by making reparation for the terrible crimes of divorce, birth control and sensuality.
Why Will the Enthronement
Restore the Family to Christ?
Because in the Enthronement the family is putting Our Lord and His interests first. In return the Sacred Heart takes over the interests of the family. Our Lord Himself has promised that He will bless and sanctify those families who Enthrone Him as King. He asked Saint Margaret Mary, to whom He revealed His Sacred Heart, that He be allowed to reign over the homes of the rich and the poor; that He be solemnly received as King and Friend, and that His Sacred Heart be honored and loved. “I will establish peace in their homes: I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life: I will comfort them in all their afflictions; I will bless all their undertakings.” Hence we may safely say that this is the means Our Lord Himself has selected to restore His sovereign rights over the family, and through the family, over society itself.
Has This Work Been Approved?
Yes, first by the Sacred Heart Himself, as evidenced by the countless conversions, both of individuals and families, where the Sacred Heart has been Enthroned: secondly, by four popes of the 20th Century: St. Pius X called it “a work of social salvation”. Benedict XV wrote to Father Mateo, its founder: “Nothing is more opportune than your undertaking.” Pius XI blessed this work many times both publicly and privately, and Pius XII wrote to Father Mateo praising him for his work and encouraging him to continue the work of “the Enthronement, which is so well suited to foster the reign of love and mercy of the Sacred Heart in the family.”